Sunshine (Yaolong Chem) Will Hold the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Transformation Conference in Chengdu

China is now at the crucial stage in promoting the national economic transformation and accelerating industrial upgrading. Chinese economic industries are trying to move to the high technology content and high value-added industries. Economic structure is also slowly turning into the new theme of 'Be innovative, green & environmental'. As an important force in China’s social and economic development, many small and medium sized enterprises are developing rapidly, but still facing many challenges.
This conference is going to be held by Yaolong Chem, sponsored by Chengdu KK Financial Service Outsourcing Co.,Ltd. Transformation& upgrading and financial innovation is the theme of the meeting. 
The purpose of this conference is to talk with people on how Yaolong Chem adapts itself to the new financial situation, to establish a new model of small and medium-sized enterprises strategic transformation. At the same time, the conference will focus on the 'financial innovation and overseas listing opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises' and 'small and medium-sized enterprises docking domestic multi-level capital market' to expand in-depth communication with people.
The conference will start at 2 pm,17th October, in Tianfu International Financial Center,Chengdu,Sichuan,China. Local government officials, investment and financing enterprises, investment banks, high-tech enterprisers are invited to attend this meeting. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please enroll yourself by clicking 

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