Dr.Hong from Sichuan University,is optimistic about silver loaded Zirconium Phosphate dressing.

Regarding the multi-field use of zirconium phosphate and silver-loaded zirconium phosphate research,Sunshine R&D department,under the leadership of manager Wei conducted an in-depth exchange and discussion with Dr.Youliang Hong from Sichuan University on January 12rd,2018.  

Dr. Hong is Biomaterials Chemistry and Physics Ph.D,Sichuan University National Biomedical Materials Engineering Research Center researcher,China Society for Biomaterials (CSBM) member.He mainly engaged in the exploration of micro and nano technology design and development of hard tissue engineering scaffolds,artificial bone and other biological materials,medical devices and other research and development.
1.Zirconium Phosphate Derivatives
The meeting with Dr.Hong mainly discussed about the antibacterial function of Zirconium Phosphate. At the same time,Dr.Hong mentioned that ZrP has potential application value in many fields, including dialysis,polymer and artificial bone because of its good adsorption and antimicrobial properties.
During this discussion,we also learned that nano-zirconium phosphate is more significant for lubricant.According to experts,in the field of lubricating grease,zirconium phosphate particle size as small as possible.At present,Sunshine Factory can not only produce micron grade zirconium phosphate,nano grade zirconium phosphate can also be small-scale production.
Through this discussion,Dr.Hong expressed his willingness to start research and development on the multi-field use of zirconium phosphate derivatives together with Sunshine.
2、About Antibacterial Dressing
Dressing belong to the second category of medical equipment,its production features are:disposable high-end supplies,high demand,high production equipment and environmental requirements,the production area is not large the output does not need too high.Sunshine fully satisfied with the production characteristics of silver-loaded zirconium phosphate dressing.

A、The Features of Silver-Loaded Zirconium Phosphate Dressing

With high value-added.Compared to other silver-loaded dressings, not only able to kill bacteria, but also has a special adsorption capacity,to absorb odor,pus,with better breathability and so on.For example,used by diabetic,silver-loaded antibacterial dressing can promote grade 3 diabetes sick foot wound healing,especially better for resistant bacteria infection exudate treatment.It can absorb odor and pus generated after skin ulceration,and kill the bacteria around the skin to provide protection for patients.
Silver-loaded zirconium phosphate used for dressings should belong to the nano-scale.Nano-zirconium phosphate has big surface area, adsorption better.
Dressing process in theory is not difficult.Production equipment is not expensive.In theory,silver-loaded zirconium phosphate can be mixed with fiber materials, also can apply zirconium phosphate to the dressing,but the former will be better.
B、About the medical industry
Medical industry is high-consumption industry. It needs a huge capital operation in the pre-investment of dressing .
The general process:Antibacterial test →Small animal test (mouse) →Large animal test(dog, monkey, etc.)→Third party testing and certification→Approved the relevant departments→Clinical trial (Class A or above hospitals,more than 100 cases)→Approval
The discussion with Dr.Hong is undoubtedly a big improvement on the antimicrobial function of silver-loaded zirconium phosphate.It will technically promote the research and production of silver-loaded zirconium phosphate dressings.As you know,it is an unmanageable medical problem that people suffering from kin ulceration.If the silver-loaded zirconium phosphate dressing can be used to relieve the pain of them,it will be the first time that Sunshine make a small contribution in medicine.
With professor Hong's support and assistance,Sunshine Factory will get strong technical support on silver-loaded zirconium phosphate dressing development,At the same time,with professor Hung's technology join,Sunshine will speed up the industrial upgrading and expansion of silver-loaded zirconium phosphate in the new area,the new application.Next,Sunshine will obtain various types of accreditation that silver-loaded zirconium phosphate need,and contribution to the development of social healthy and civilized development.

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