Sunshine has been recognised by Authority to set up Industry Standard for its patented products

Good news!

Sunshine Factory Co., Ltd. is approved to be the corporation standard of ZrP.
License number: Q/YLHG -001-2018.

Since it tapped into ZrP market since 2015, Sunshine factory has always been committed to grow to be a company standing for ZrP industry standard. To reach the goal, we have done many efforts in terms of increasing production capacity, optimizing technical process, R&D new specification and developing downstream products etc.
Sunshine Factory has done a lot of paperwork before handing them to Enterprise Standard Information Public Service Platform in December. 2018, and get the approval in Dec.5, 2018.
Currently, by searching the keywords of zirconium phosphate, zirconium hydrogen phosphate and Sunshine Factory, you can find our detailed ZrP standard information.

We are here to make a promise that all of the information you see on the platform is legally and officially approved by the authority. Our product strictly follows the technical process and in line with the standard with the standard number shown on the package bag. We commit the authenticity of this public information and take full legal responsibility of the outcomes.
We believe, in the future, Sunshine Factory will provide source material of high-quality for New Material Enterprises at home, promoting the development of the New Material Industry in China. This will be the great move for us to break the ice and find a solution for the chronic issue of source material coming from abroad of new material R&D at home.

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