Silver-zirconium phosphate impacts the vitality of 293T cells in vitro

Studies have shown that silver-zirconium phosphate in the six kinds of well-known brands of oral nanosilver inorganic antibacterial agents has the best sterilization and safety. FUMAT T200-4 was prepared into diluents of 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625 g/L mass concentration. Cell Counting Kit-8 was employed to detect the impact on 293T cells proliferation with diluents of various concentrations. After 293T cells were treated with1.25 g/L FUMAT T200-4, the cell morphology was observed using inverted phase contrast microscope. And further transmission electron microscope was used to observe the ultrastructure of 293T cells. In addition, reverse transcription-PCR was used to investigate cellular insulin-like growth factor mRNA expression and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the content of insulin-like growth factor protein in the supernatant solution.

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