Synthesis and Characterizations of LZB‐GC Antibacterial Composite Resin

In this reserach, LZB‐GC antibacterial composite resin was prepared successfully by the mechanical and ultrasonic technology. SEM results showed the particles dispersed evenly. EDS analysis showed that LZB‐GC antibacterial agent was successfully mixed into the composite resin. FT‐IR analysis concluded RC of LZB‐GC antibacterial composite resin. Silver zirconium phosphate vector antibacterial is one of the common kind of inorganic silver vector antibacterial, and it have already got some important market shares. However, the importance of the crystal structure of this kind of antibacterial has been underestimated. In the market nowadays, the crystal structure of silver vector antibacterial made of zirconium phosphate can be divided into two types: Layered zirconium phosphate and hexahedral zirconium phosphate.

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