The antibacterial effect of silver -zirconium phosphate on peri-implant bacteria.

The antimicrobial concentration from 10 mg / ml to 0.20 mg/ml was producted by being diluted with brain-heart infusion, and was mixed, respectively, with the solution contacining porphyomonas gingivalis (Pg), fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) and actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa). Then the mixture was incubated in the anaerobic box with constant temperature.

The colonies were calculated after the mixture was inoculated. The minimal concentration of antimicrobial in which there was no bacteria growth was considered minimal bactericidal concentration. The minimal bactericidal concentriaion of silver-zirconium phosphate on Pg, Fn, Aa was, respectively, 0.039 mg/ml, 0.313 mg/ml and 0.625. The bactericidal ability of the antimicrobial on the Pg, Fn, Aa. It can be used as antimicrobial of peri-implant bacteria.

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