Process of Polymer-layered Inorganic Nanocomposites

Polymer/layered inorganic nanocomposites is a novel type of advanced composites, which has become the focus of research in recent years because of their demonstrated excellent mechanical, thermal and gas barrier properties compared with their conventional counterparts due to the combinations of the rigidity, dimensional and thermal stability of inorganic component with the toughness, processing and dielectric of polymer. The latest progress in the field of polymer/one ayered inorganic nanocomposites was reviewed in this dissertation based on the recent literatures as well as the relative works in our group. In this thesis, several typical polymer/layered inorganic nanocomposites were prepared and characterized by different approaches based on the synthesis and properly organic modification of layered graphite oxide (GO) and α-zirconium phosphate (a-ZrP).

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